Help Support SEEDS – Blacksburg Nature Center

We always need the following supplies:

(Strikethrough means we have enough at this time.)

  • Kitchen size trash bags
  • Boxes of facial tissues
  • Wipes
  • Paper towels
  • Large refill containers of liquid hand soap
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Washable markers
  • Zip-loc bags (all sizes)
  • Acrylic paint
  • Beginner/kid-friendly animal and plant ID books
    (Ex. “Golden Guides”)
  • Popsicle sticks of all sizes for crafts, marking plants around the nature center, etc. 
  • White printer paper 
  • Clear packing tape
  • Color construction paper
  • Nature coloring books for young children 
  • Zoo Med Reptile Basking Spot Lamp 100 Watt 2 Bulb Value Pack
  • 10.59 oz Tetra ReptoMin Floating Food Sticks
  • Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (in the shell)

Since 1995, SEEDS mission has been inspring a natural curiosity and love for the environment in children and the young at heart through discovery learning, nature education, teacher support, and civic awareness. SEEDS is a non-for-profit educational organization recognized under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code. Your donations are tax-deductible. Our FIN# is 541782139.