Birthday Parties

Kids who have enjoyed SEEDS – Blacksburg Nature Center activities sometimes want to have a birthday party at the nature center.  Though SEEDS is not in the birthday party business, we can accommodate a small group at the nature center.  At this time, birthday parties are limited to 10 people including adults.  1-2 adults with the party must be present and assisting SEEDS staff. 


$75 tax-deductible donation to SEEDS (Please provide a check made out to SEEDS and present that to staff when you arrive.)

$25 cash tip to staff for their time and help

We can schedule parties and special events outside the nature center’s regular hours.  We request a tax-deductible donation of $75 to SEEDS to help us fund our basic expenses to keep the nature center open and to support the ability to accommodate groups after hours for special events such as your birthday party.

We also ask for $25 to be given as a “tip” to the staff person for their time, help, and effort.

Our helpful and enthusiastic staff will provide:

•       Opening & closing the space and exhibits for your private event
for up to three hours.

•       Assistance with set up, and clean up of trash and recyclables.

•       Interpretation of animals and exhibits for the kids.  

•       Story reading and activities during the birthday party.

•       Help serving whatever food you provide.

We can also usually take out at least one of our snakes if that is something that your child and friends would find interesting.  

We can take the kids around and interpret all of our living animals and exhibits and go outside on the grounds and explore for critters.

If you are interested but you’ve not visited, we would first request that you visit the nature center so you can see the space and our exhibits, the grounds, and facilities.


Email us <[email protected]>

Other options if you need space for a larger group (over 10 kids):

Town of Blacksburg Parks and Recreation.  They rent out the gymnasium and other spaces for birthday parties.

[email protected]

There are also other businesses and organizations in the area that offer birthday parties.  You can search the web using key words “Birthday parties Blacksburg” or “Christiansburg” or “New River Valley”.