Full day 9am-4pm, co-ed for ages 8 – 10 and 10 - 14 year olds. Typical group size: 8-9 children, two teachers, plus one teen assistant.
SEEDS engages kids in hands-on, play and place-based nature education. During summer camps, every week kids explore the wonders of our local natural world. Through field trips, art projects, experiments, music, and play we interpret what we've been learning about.
REGISTRATION OPENS: Friday 28 February 2025 Field Camp registration (ages 8-10 and 10-14) Forms due by 5pm Friday, April 4th.
Complete a registration form (see below) by typing your information, then print, sign and return. People with handwritten forms that can’t be read are not as likely to get a spot. Return the registration form with a check for ½ half tuition in person to SEEDS; or Mailto: SEEDS, PO Box 824, Blacksburg, VA 24063.
Please don’t mail to the Price House. We do not get mail delivered there.
For the best chance at a spot in a camp, return your registration form and tuition by the deadline. Registrations will be selected from all those received by the deadline. Any remaining spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be notified by email within Four days of lottery results. If you don’t get one of the spots in a SEEDS program, there are many other excellent programs offered by other organizations in the area.
We look forward to a fun and rewarding season of SEEDS summer programs!